Adding scratches/wear to a clean decals inside Unreal?

Hello! I’m new to Unreal and I can find lots of great resources on how to create custom Decals but I haven’t found if there’s a way to add scratches/wear/dirt/etc to a decal inside of Unreal (without editing the decal in Photoshop)? I’m making a clean decal in Illustrator and it would be amazing if I could place the decal in Unreal and then add scratches/wear on top using some of the Quixel materials. Is this possible? Thank you!

Hey there @EmergencyPoncho! Welcome to the community! You can edit the decal’s material and use Lerp_ScratchGrime2 or the original version. Basically you apply your base map in the first node. then whatever value you want the maps (basically their alpha in the blend), then apply the mask shape for the last 2 nodes.

It’s made for both scratches and dirt/grime so it’s a pretty solid composite!


Awesome, thanks for much @SupportiveEntity ! I will give this a try soon and I look forward to seeing the results!