Adding random keyframes in the sequence

Blender has a Noise modifier which allows adding noise to anything (such as camera shake, movement shake etc.)

I know Unreal Engine has a camera shake blueprint which allows you to generate noises for camera movement but I’m wondering if something similar yet generic solutions exist for adding randomness to anything else. I’m making animations with objects and I’d like to add some randomness to their movement (subtle box/hand/head shaking etc).

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In 5.1, you can now override float and double channels with Perlin noise.

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I’m using 4.27

I did that some time ago, but if I recall correctly you can create an animation with just shaking (in A-pose) then adding it as additive in sequencer.

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The solution that @Max.Chen posted for 5.1 seems to be exactly what I’m looking for but for 4.27.

Here’s a workaround:

  • Create an object (e.g. cube)
  • Add the desired noise to its transform track
  • Parent the bone (or anything else) to the cube through the animation tools

Now the bone inherits the noise of the cube and you can still move the bone around. Enjoy!