adding pause and play to a sequence

Hello everyone!

I’m using unreal for animation in broadcasting (and not for gaming, although I don’t think it matters for this)

I’m trying to add a trigger event in the sequencer so it will automatically stop in certain frames, and to add a key event to resume play.

what I have done so far:
I created a blueprint interface and added the function I need in there:


then i used level blueprint (i first tried it with reguler blueprint), and set it to implement the BPI (interface), and added the function i wanted:
setting up the sequence to play:

and the functions:

then I added an event key, and set it up:
(double click the key and getting into the sequence director, created a new function and hooked it up)-

and the rebinding:

when i go to play mode and start the sequence (using p) it plays out, but do not pause. and when i go out of game mode i get this message:
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Target”. Blueprint: SequenceDirector Function: Handler Pause Graph: Handler Pause Node: Pause
(i cant add another attachment, but it the only message)

I tried to play around with it for a few days now… but to now successes,

any idea where the issue is coming from?
Thank you for your time :slight_smile: