Hey guys, so i wanted to create my first mod, I already saw some tutorials and created red leather boots, there i got the idea of walking a bit faster while wearing boots, since it would make kind of sense to walk a bit slower when not wearing shoes.
I thought it was a fun idea but i don’t really know how to do it or if it is even possible.
I watched many tutorials but not one with a similar problem so if someone could help me out, i would be thankful.
also first time posting something in a forum, hope i didn’t do something wrong.
Top of my head, you could apply a tick event to the boots blueprint, so when it’s being worn by a player character it applies a buff that increases speed by a value for 5 seconds. The tick event could fire every 4 seconds. This way the buff fades when you die or remove the boots due to it no longer being worn (need to check it’s status). The reason for the 4 second tick is to limit network replication overhead.
Anyway, somebody will probably post a more definitive approach… but in the absence of anything better this might prompt your thinking
You don’t need a ticked event. Just add a buff when Equipped, remove it when unequipped. There are events in the graph for both.
Dying resets all buffs except persistent ones like diseases
Hey Guys thanks for helping me, i really appreciate it.
I tried with the help of Mr. Spezz Screenshot to make it,
but since i’m still a newbie in UE4 and working with Blueprints, i’ve got some issues.
Like, i can’t find the “cast to Primal Character” component, the only thing i find when i search “cast to” is “cast to Player Controller”.
And could you please explain the “Equppied Buff” variable a little bit more?
I hope my questions are reasonable and if you guys could help me out again i would be really, really, thankful!
you have to place the “Get Owner” variable first, then drag off of that and search for “cast to Primal Character”, if you dont see it in the initial list the uncheck “Context Sensitive”.