Adding modding support to my UE5-1 game?

I wanted to add mod support to my game, but I was wondering the following.
How could I release the engine for people to download?
What would I add to my game so mods can load?
How could I share my code for people to mod without basically open sourcing my code?
I am looking for the simplest way, and for distributing this all, I was hoping to be able to do it like ARK does, where you just download one thing and it downloads it all. Hoping to make this SDK download through Steam if I can?

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There are some documents about adding mod support to games over in the Epic documentation, although my review of what was available several months ago seemed to only indicate that it was easily possible to replace certain assets, rather than actually supply new/extended code. I would hope to be wrong about that, but I don’t actually know of anyone who has implemented more serious modding support in an Unreal game since UE2. :frowning:

Hmm, interesting, could you link me to said docs?

hmm. i guess maybe it’s only in the blog? oops

I am considering mod support in my game as well. I came across LuaMachine which looks linteresting.

Essentially you export your C++ code to Lua and give them only whatever interface into your game that they need to implement the functionality you wish to be mod-able.

They then don’t need access to your engine code, they just need access to documentation about how your Lua API works.

I haven’t used this yet, I just saw it in the marketplace and thought it looked interesting.

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Actually, I just want map creation for my game. Gonna check this out. Thanks for showing me this.

If you get to play with it, I’d love to hear how it works out. A couple of projects I’m involved in, it would be really interesting to have mod support for, but I don’t think the higher ups are too interested in financing the investigation into it, so i haven’t gone any further than reading the docs