Adding Input to Other Players in Online

Hello, is there any way to get around the restriction of adding input to other player characters when making a networked game?

Long story short : I’ve been trying to make a heavy item (think of a tree log) be carried by two different players. When they both lift the log above them, I want to move both characters even if only one person is pressing forward. (Although at half speed, and if both players are pressing forward, I’d like for them to move at equal speed. )

The part about different speeds is irrelevant fluff I can handle, what I worry about is how to move both characters from the command of one player. I’ve read a bit about replication and RPC and apparently a player can only affect his character and not another player one, to prevent cheating, do you know any way to get around this?

Hello Wisk,

So how I would go about doing this, would be to have the object check to see if there are two (or however many) players “attached” to the log. Then based on that number be able to set a speed based on the number of forward inputs pressed when “attached” to the object. This way if you did have the scenario where it was one person lifting the log, or two people with one person pressing forward, they would be moving at the same speed. Unless there is more to it I am not taking in to account, you could create this using an actor blueprint.

I hope this was helpful, but if you have more questions let me know.


Thanks for the quick reply. The logic of it sounds good, but how exactly would I get around to moving both players? I’ve tried sending movement input from the Log actor to both players but it did not seem to work(only the player actually pressing forward moved) Do you suggest moving the log itself with the players being attached to it, or is there some other way of moving players across the network?