I am using datasmith runtime to import CAD models during runtime. What I ultimately want is to give them physics, most important gravity. I have chosen the default environment “Collab Viewer” which has pre-built in datasmith runtime. You use the datasmith runtime in the collab viewer while during runtime by holding space, choosing datasmith, pressing new and choosing source. When this is done a model is imported. The problem for me here is that this model stays floating in the sky. What I want is to give it gravity which I have understood is possible by checking Simulate Physics
. So I have been looking through the blueprint for the importation during runtime scripts and from root of the project it is located in Content/CollaborativeViewer/Blueprints/Commands/DataSmith/BP_DataSmith_Component.uasset
. What I found which I think is relevant is this part:
I assume that here it is possible to enable the physics after import but I have no idea how since I have never used blueprint before. I would super much appreciate help here.
Thanks very much in advance.