Adding footsteps to firstperson (Without a mesh)

How can I add footsteps to my character (There’s no mesh).

Easiest solution would be to have some kind of running animation playing and use this method

… But if there’s no mesh at all, here’s how I would do it

  • You have boolean IsMoving
  • On tick, you check IsMoving and if is, check if velocity is over limit (so is actually moving). If both are true, do nothing.
  • If IsMoving is false, check the velocity again and if is actually moving, set IsMoving to true and add a looping timer that plays sound.
  • If IsMoving is true, but not actually moving, set it to false and clear the timer

Also for some effect, on the timer, I recommend using flip flop and each other sound has just a bit difference in pitch multiplier.

I think that should do it, cheers! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer! but could you please post a screenshot of the blueprint?
And yes there’s no mesh at all.

I can do it later, on my phone right now

Ok so here’s the screenshot of the graph! Also, I forgot to set the timer to loop & the time to something like 0.2.


Thanks for the screenshot! But I have 1 problem, In 4.8 I can’t find
“Clear Timer by Handle” and “Set Timer by Event”.
I could only find “ClearTimer” , “ClearTImer_Delegate” , “Set Timer”, “Set Timer_Delegate” any ideas what should I do?

Update to 4.12? :stuck_out_tongue: idk

Np, also trying to get the answerhub sage, give some karma please… :smiley:

Just like that, “upvote” the answers

Hahaha I’ll see what I can do. Anyways thanks for the help!

I’m not so familiar with the answerhub, so how could I give you some karma?

Done, Thanks again for the help!

Well, instead of using tick, you could instead use an Anim Notify to play a sound at a specific point in the animation, the same techniques can be used for Particle Effects and custom events too. All you have to do is.

  1. Click on the animation you want to open up persona.
  2. Right click on the white bar with black stripes on when you want the notify to play. (There already should be a notify called play sound)
  3. Then just set the sound.

Here’s what it should look like:

“Easiest solution would be to have some kind of running animation playing and use this method BP 3rd Person Game: Creating Animation Notifies | 22 | v4.8 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube … But if there’s no mesh at all, here’s how I would do it…” “…And yes there’s no mesh at all.” As we discussed earlier, there are no animations to play them at… :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, didn’t see the other answers. Whoops. I didn’t know there wasn’t a mesh :stuck_out_tongue:

My problem I should’ve mention that in the title or description, I’m going to change it now. Anyways thanks for the answer :smiley:

Well, instead of using tick, couldn’t you start the timer whenever the movement key is pressed? And the play sound event then checks to see if it can play a sound there, if it can, play the sound, else don’t play sound. Because the major issue I see here is that what if you are moving but falling? Footsteps will be heard even though you are in mid air.

You could be right. For the falling problem, when try to play the sound, add branch to check if IsFalling (Character Movement) is false.

well? can you?

Hello. I know this is quite old but I actually came across a solution in case someone was having a similar problem, although it requires a mesh in order to make it work. ( I used the default mannequin skeletal mesh ) So what I did is I added footsteps to the default mannequin animation using notifies and after that, in the Event BeginPlay of the character, I hid all the bones of the mesh, like this:


This will make your character invisible while still maintaining footstep sounds.