I am adding buttons to a widget based on the elements in an enum, with ForEachEnum node. After adding a new element to the enum, the program doesn’t go though it at the ForEachEnum loop.
The solution is quite easy since I just have to press “Compile”, where the ForEachEnum node is manually.
The solution is probably easy, you should just mark every BP that uses forEachEnum with the modified one as "needs-to-be-compiled. Or probably something even more practical within the program’s core.
Hello CrimsonHawk,
I was unable to reproduce the error that you are seeing on your end. I set up a for each enum to print out its values on begin play and it appears to update as expected when adding more members. I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.
Quick questions:
- Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
- If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
- Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints that may be involved with this issue?
Here is [a project][1] where you can check it, and here is the picture about it:
If you add a new element to EGameType enum, and without saving the EGameType, or Compiling the NewGameMenu widget, you start the game, the new button doesn’t appear.
But if you do, a new button does appear with the name of the new enum member.
Hello CrimsonHawk,
After further testing I was able to reproduce this issue in a clean project. I have written up a report and I have submitted to the developers for further consideration. I have also provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates. Thank you for your time and information.
Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-38089)
Make it a great day