Adding depth to vertex painting

Hello! I’m trying to do a simple chipped plaster but can’t seem to figure out the mask part when vertex painting. Have the top plaster and the material below it but once I paint it doesn’t account for the normal(height?), which I guess makes sense because the mask doesn’t have a normal? First time trying to vertex paint so some insight and help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Unreal vs substance designer

And my graph in unreal. Also, the only way to get the result pictured is to adjust the “blend power” to a negative number or the paint doesn’t account for the mask. Using -26 in the above picture.

And this is what I’d like to achieve, well simplified, but still have that obvious depth in the layers.


Still struggling with this :frowning:

Makes perfect sense. To get depth effect, you need to use normal map and ambient occlusion map, that were generated off your blend mask.

Hey, thanks for the input Deathrey. That’s the most obvious solution but still, not sure how I would implement that into my material. From all my searches the only other possible solutions I’ve found are to do with parallax occlusion mapping and tessellation, POM being the cheaper of the 2 obviously but any explanation of that approach with vertex painting is over my head unfortunately. Have you done what I’m trying to achieve before?

You would blend in normal and ao blendmask textures over textures from base and coat material in proportion to you blend. That is where one material layer has weight of 1 and the other material layer has weight of 0, there would be no blendmask normal contributing to the final normal. Likewise, when one material has a weight of 0.5 and other material has weight of 0.5, the blendmask normal contribution to the final normal would be maximal. Both tess and pom will give you position but not normal, so they can only be used as supplement to this technique, not an alternative. Also worth mentioning that you cannot blend POM with vertex colors.