Essentially. I have Data Asset information for objects in my level. I have a terminal from which you access the information. I am struggling to make a blueprint work to have my widget to pull information from the data assets. Any ideas would be appreciated.
It is no different than doing with a table.
Create an array of data assets, for loop the array, get the data and for each entry spawn and add an as child widget to a horizontal box.
Example for Get data from current item in loop
Example for Create info widget and add to the wiget
I have all of my pieces of information in my data asset.
I also have a table set up that has individual slots bound to those items.
I just don’t understand how to make the two talk. I have tried a multitude of functions and am at not sure what I’m doing wrong.
You need two widgets in main and the slot
in the SceneMain
Put the vertical box where the slots will go
Creates a variable of the type of the datassets and of array format
and loop to get all the data and spawn a slot for each one.
If you only show one item at a time, change the loop to a way of moving through the index of the array.
although after rereading your question again , what you need is in the widget “expose in spawn” the binds like the example I put with name.
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