Adding custom vehicles to Matrix Awakens City Sample Demo

Has anyone here attempted or had any success in using their vehicle control rig system on a custom vehicle asset?

I am attempting this at the moment but running into problems with the deformation of my mesh.

My mesh looks fine before I press play, but as soon as I press play the front and rear bumpers immediately deform. I think it is a problem with the physics asset and how the physics bodies are placed.

Also, when I display the skeleton in the editor, the skeleton that is displayed before the play button is played, fits the vehicle as I have fitted it to it, but as soon as I press play, the skeleton is suddenly smaller, and the front and rear bumpers are deformed.

Here is a link to a video that shows what I am referring to:

Anyone know what could be wrong, or what I could try?

Note the difference in the placement of the bones of the skeleton of the front bumper for the corvette before and after I press play. What could cause the bones to shift back like that?

Edit #2:
If I turn on the view of the bones AND the collision you will notice that the front bumper, rear bumper, top, and side doors and all shifted to their maximum defined by the constraint. Ignore the weight painting as I haven’t done that yet.
