Adding custom C++ SDK to UE4

Hello, I need help with implementing FireBase c++ sdk to UE4 and I dont want to use any plugins on the market. Actually what I am trying to learn is just implementing custom sdk to the ue4 so I wanna do it myself. So what I have with sdk is folders named, frameworks, include, libs. And bunch of .h and .a files in them. So where do I start?

First you will need to make sure that the FireBase sdk itself can be compiled and used alone - just try to link it to a simple C++ console application and see if everything is ok or if you need additional dependencies or Visual Studio link settings etc. It is much easier to tweak and debug all settings in a small sandbox application to ensure that everything compiles and works before integrating it into the large Unreal “beast”.

Then I guess you could start with reading these two:

(the second article is more practical but it could be very out-of-date, so you will have to refer to the first article to apply some corrections).

Basically, you start with BlankPlugin example in your project Plugins folder, rename it to Firebase, add the SDK code there, create a wrapper class to expose the Firebase functions to Unreal, according to Unreal documentation and then compile and see if it works.

Thanks, I’ll look into that.

Someone already has a Firebase UE4 integration, might be worth looking at. Can verify that GameDNA’s plugins are really good.

Agree, Game DNA has done a very good job. Im using Realtime and UMK, great support.