Adding crouching to state machine from 3rd Person UE Course Stackbot

I have made my own project using severl animations/assets from the UE Marketplace, and am currently trying to add a crouch animation to go alongside the walk/jog/sprint animations that I have configured.

Currently, I have the following setup.

I have a one directional BlendSpace for Idle to Sprinting, and another for Crouching idle to walk. Currently the Idle_Sprint BlendSpace is set to the cached pose that GroundLoco references in the state machine. I have a couple of variables set up in my code for “IsCrouching” so it can be used, if necessary.

The only thing is, I can’t figure out the best way to do this, while retaining my air locomation state machine. Any ideas?

EDIT: I created a cached pose in the AnimGraph, similar to the cached pose for Idle-Run from the tutorial. I then referenced that cached pose in the State machine, and set up a variable similar to the “IsFalling” variable and how it is set to true/false, then referenced that for the transition between GroundLoco and the Crouch State.