Adding Components to an Actor from within another Component's Blueprint

Hello! I’ve been isolating some behavior from my actor onto a component to help keep things clean and flexible, but I’ve run into a snag when it came to some bits where I am adding components to some world actors. Previously calling “Add X Component” with my actor reference worked fine, but now that I’m on a component I’m no longer allowed access to these functions.

I did a bit of research and found this question from 2015:

And the Staff generated this issue: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-24550)

They said it wouldn’t be a focus, but the issue itself is labeled “As Designed”.

So what I’m wondering is if this truly is “As Designed” or if there’s a chance it can be reopened now, some 2 years later, for consideration?

I’m thinking about potentially seeing if I can edit the source code to allow it, because it just seems like a context failure to me… but I wouldn’t know where to start on that just yet. Rather I’m wondering if I’d run into unexpected and complex problems if I did so?

As an aside, I’d like to see a native “Add Component” node that takes in a class reference rather than only having explicit “Add X Component” nodes. That one does seem doable for me, but thought I’d throw it out there since we’re on the subject of components anyway.