Adding Components or Activating Componets that were there all along?


I am developing a system - that when an enemy AI “touches” or “collides” with the player - the variables of the camera (game is FPS) - will alter.

I.e - a zombie type figure comes dashing in from the woods- grabs the player - now that player has the “virus” - and that “virus” is really just a bunch of camera shakes - and blurs - sounds - essentially - added components to the character’s blueprint.

My question is - do you think that it is better - to somehow have the enemy AI - “give” that component to the player - or “attach to a socket” - or is it better to have the default character blueprint - have that “component” all along - and only activate it - when the enemy touches it.

My goal is to have it - that when a zombie touches you - you have the “sickness” - until you go around the world and hunt down that specific zombie - when you do - and kill it - you will be cured - i.e - that component will either be detached from you - or deactivated.

I know both ways are possible - I am just curious as to what you guys think is the best way to accomplish this. I’d like to do this several times over - with multiple enemies - that the more you are “grabbed” by an enemy- the sicker you become until you kill them.
