adding complex animations in Sidescroller game

Hi I am working on a Platformer 3d game at the moment and since I have solved most of my problems I still have some issues that breaking my head how to fix them but with no luck so far

1st of all I want to play 2 different animations when I jump depenting on the height I am jumping and landing too 1 for low height one for high height and I cant figure out the way to do them

2nd I want when my character is for X meters running and he is stop running and turns around Or stops completely to play another animation

I am not familiar with coding and everything I have done so far is with a lot of reading and only with blueprints so for me Blueprints is the only way

Any help is welcome

Thank you all in advance for your Advices


Hey Dimitris,

Everything you want to achieve can be done using the Animation Blueprint.

  1. If you want to play different animations based on jump height, you need to figure out the height between the character and the floor first. You can do this either in the Character blueprint or in the Animation Blueprint Event Graph.
    Store that height in a variable in the Animation Blueprint and use it to choose between any number of animations in your state machine
  2. To blend between different animations, you need to use the State Machine. You’ll have to calculate your movement direction in the Event Graph first and store it in a variable. Then use that variable to switch between states.

I suggest you take a look at this:


Thanks a lot for answering me so basically I have to make 2 new variables 1 for height and 1 for distance and then use those 2 to make my Animation blends according my needs for example if distance > and is sprinting then play break sprint animation if I got it right ??

anyway thanks a lot for answering me I think I got a idea what I have to do now :))

Yes, that’s correct. You need to figure out a way to detect whether your character is moving left/right or stopping based on player input and/or velocity. You can transition between anim states based on that.

Mister Xenlock thanks a lot for all the help u provided me so far but either this is beyond me or my mind is messed up since
sadly all day I am breaking my head how to do it but nothing it seems to work … if anyone can post a example I will be forever in dept

thanks in advance once more

Sure, give me some time to grab some animations and make a quick mock up.

thanks a lot my friend I still haven’t find a solution… maybe its because I am not coder and don’t understand the philosophy of the connections still 100%

still not luck… here is my Character Blueprint and also my Animation Blueprint I don’t know what I am not doing right … 2 days puzzle with no luck