Adding child components of a Metahuman to a sequence through blueprints

I’m working through the sequencer blueprint scripting docs (Sequencer Scripting Foundations | Tutorial) and run into a problem while working with things that have controls or have subcomponents.

For example, with the Camera Rig Crane, I can’t find a way to add any of the controls to tracks (e.g. the Yaw control).

For metahumans, I can’t find a way to add a metahuman’s Body skeletal mesh. Ideally, I’d be able to provide a list of metahumans in a shot and then the blueprint would handle the shot assembly (I’m building an editor utility widget).

These seem similar in that they both have to do with accessing subparts of something, although the metahuman part might be different because the skeletal mesh gets added as a possessable (at least that’s what happens when you add it to the sequencer manually).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Aaaaand I needed to RTFM a bit more.

In order to access child components, you have to have an instance in the scene. Refer to the Add Camera and Camera Cut function in the docs linked in the original post.