Hey there. I’ve created a door blueprint with static meshes, and, as the walls in my levels are BSP, I thought adding a substractive BSP to the blueprint would be useful. Thing is, in the ‘Add Component’ tab, there isn’t the option to add a BSP. Am I missing something, or BSP simply aren’t allowed in Blueprint classes?
As you may have already suspected, BSP’s cannot be used in a Blueprint. You will have to convert the BSP to a static mesh as rjvm has suggested.
BSP stands for “Binary Space Partition”
- Binary - One or zero
- Space - Either solid mass or open area
- Partition - Referring to partitioning query results, each “partition area” is like its own lookup list/array in programming terms.
BSP is only good for static data - stuff that doesn’t change at runtime (runtime being when the game is running) so it could never be moved like a door or physics object or anything like that. You generally use the ‘convert to static mesh’ function when blocking out areas and preparing whiteboxes for modelling - Don’t ever try to make something detailed out of BSP, it’s not a mesh! Once you have converted a BSP brush to static mesh you can do what you want to it in your favourite modelling software and then export it from there as .fbx and reimport to UE.
To convert a BSP brush to a static mesh you click on the volume in the UE4 3D viewport and look at the 'Details" tab - scroll down till you find “Brush Settings”. Click the little down arrow on the bottom of that section to open the advanced options and there is a button labelled “Create Static Mesh”. Click that to convert all selected brushes into one static mesh Asset in your Asset Browser.