Adding Blueprint to scene component breaks movement

I’m trying to create a character blueprint with the ability to carry things around. So I added a scene component where I add the object they are carrying. Now these child objects will be other blueprints.

For some off reason when I add the child BP and it does not collide with the capsule component of the character, everything works well:

But when the child BP collides, the movement of the character breaks, including reversing of the axis, drastic changes in velocity, or simple not moving.

This does not occur if I add a static mesh as a child.

What could be the issue?

Your issue is the meshes collision is interacting with the pawns capsule component.

Best approach is to have each thing that can be carried be its own actor. Said Actors need to have Replicates and Replicates movement ticked (enabled).

All actor collisions need to be either disabled or ignore the capsule component.

On pick up use Attach Actor to Component.

On Drop use Detach From Actor.

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Thanks for the hint. I set the child object collision to “No Collision” when attaching it and that fixed it. But it feels like a workaround. If the player were to “carry” something large and I wanted the object collision to remain (think something like a crate) how would that work? Is that what you meant by have it ignore only the capsule?

You could try using the “Ignore Actor when Moving” node instead of disabling collision.

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That worked well too, thanks! How weird that there’s a node for that haha

The capsule is what handles movement collision. Ignoring the capsule means the collision won’t interfere with movement calculations.

If you need to maintain collisions on a carried actor there are two options.

Use a physics handle and enable physics on the said actor. Or use collision overlaps.