Adding behaviours to Detour Crowd

Is it possible to add behaviours (e.g. flocking) to the crowd managed by DetourCrowdAIController?

In the project settings I can find options regarding crowd size, Path Optimization Interval etc., but nothing like e.g. dtFlockingBehavior or dtSeparationBehavior, which are behaviours implemented in the original library: “Recast/Detour”, which the Unreal Engine is now using since recently.

Unfortunately you’re mistaken, dtBehavior is not part of the original Recast library. It’s a part of MASA’s Recast fork.

We do not use that source code, but I must admit it looks interesting and I’ll add it to the list of things to investigate. Thanks! :slight_smile:



Hi Mieszko,
Thanks for the quick response and pointing out my error!