Since your game state is derived from “BP_GameState” (as you are saying): You should add a call to parent Begin Play.
Just right click on the Begin Play node and add call to parent, connect the node.
If I add a “Event Begin Play” node to my existing GameState, all input stops working.
(Project: Multiplayer FPS in Blueprints)
Normally all controls for multiple players work fine. I can Alt-tab between windows and can use the mouse and keyboard to control the menus and directional input etc. As soon as I add the single Begin Play node into the GameState, none of these things work! No mouse or keyboard!
NOTE: In looking for answers I noted that I should check the parent of the GameState and compare to the parent of the GameMode. They both derive from a homemade “BP_GameState/Mode_Base”, and they derive from Game State and Game Mode respectively.
Is there something I’m doing wrong here?
Thank you! That was it.
One question… I also have an Event Tick (with a delay after) in the same Blueprint. It seems to be working fine now, but should I do the same and add a “Call to parent”?
Thanks again!
If BP_GameState already implements Event Tick and you need the behaviour, then you need to add a call to parent.