What’s the intended workflow for creating geometry collection’s or modifying them after one has been created? Say your are have all your objects selected that you want in the collection you create it… but then you notice you missed a object or two what’s the user experience here for adding or modifying a GC? Right now there seems to be no way to fix this. I can’t imagine the intended workflow would to to delete the GC and start placing your objects again. I know 4.26 is still in preview but I hope some of the user experience items for chaos can be addressed.
The engine way of doing this would rely on Chaos and Fracture
The engine version depicted was probably using Apex Destruction still.
Either way the tools are not very clear/nor do they cover all possibilities.
Make your own custom geometry collection.
In c++
create a class for the breakableItem
Add an HISM component to it.
Add an InitialMesh (mesh)
(make your own logic later)
In engine, instantiate a BP of that class.
Add set the InitialMesh to the solid model.
Add the individual bits/parts to the HISMC - and set their instances up (may take some time, it depends)
Then create either via BP or going back to C the functions that swap between the HISMC and the solid mesh.
In BP probably, add an OnImpact or OnDamageReceived or whatever elese that triggers the swap of instances.
assuming the HISMC is set up to simulate physics it should react like any other mesh by breaking up in the pieces and bouncing around.
Now back to C++ make a sleep function that just automatically disables/enables simulate physics on the HISM component items, and just call that manually before the switch.
Figure out what the best way to disable the same is.
Generally, pieces are set to vanish/be removed. or just go to sleep after they stop moving, however that’s done via physics and you leave the HISM listening for overlaps.
This causes performance degradation based on quantity.
Bonus points:
In reality, if you have tons of the same breakable you should only create ONE HISMc to add all the objects to the same.
Back in C++ you can make the HISMc a reference and then select the reference in the level so that all objects are part of the same collection. making for a real performance gain.