Adding a third person character in VR (similar to Moss)

Hi, I’m trying to do a Moss style setup where the player is using their hands in a “god view” being able to interact with things, standing still but freely looking while also controlling a third person character in the environment.

I’ve tried importing third person character BP and all its assets from the template into the VR template, and I’ve also done vice versa, importing VR BP assets into the third person template. I can only get the VR hand motion controls to work, not the third person character.

How would I connect the third person character controls from the template to work with the motion controllers (using Oculus Touch)? Hand motion / grabbing and moving the 3rd person character with the thumbstick and jump with button.

Thank you for the link. I was able to follow the video and referencing your screenshot I got it working, mostly. The inputs are detected.

Would you happen to have an idea on why the movement isn’t translating for the third person character correctly? It’s the character imported from the template, it tends to run in circles or basically any other direction it shouldn’t.