Adding a texture to another texture at spesific position in materials?


I have a material which uses a a base texture that is 4K big.
Now i want to add in a dynamic changeble 2nd texture to the material and mix them together…
My 2nd texture(s) i want to add on as a layer is only 512px big.
I need to add this to my main texture at posision. example X:1100 , Y:2200
Also when i add the 2nd texture to the material it stretches the 512px img uptp 4k.

How do i do this in the material edior?
I guess it involes texturecords and much else. but havent got a clue where to start looking.

I managed to solve my problem.
here is a quick example how i did it.
scale, is set up in the texcord node. and the two add nodes after the breakout… node will allow you to change the position.