I’m so depressed because I’ve worked for a long time on this project, it was potentially my income, and how every time I add getting a reference to my player controller in a blueprint that’s central to everything where I need to do it, the code will run fine, but after closing and launching the editor, it crashes at 93% every time.
All I do is get player control it, cast it (can even cast it to player controller), save it as a variable. Compile, save, close project, open project, crash at 93%. Project is useless.
I can’t replicate this by starting a new project. It just started happening. This is the second time I’ve gotten a crash on 93% error, I also had it with a different blueprint, my AI. I had to delete a child blueprint entirely to fix that.
I’m really hoping I can get some help here this is kind of my livelihood and it seems like there will be no way to debug this which is beyond depressing
I tried 4.18 and 4.17 both have these issues. I can’t go back to 4.16 as I rely on 4.17 VR features.
There’s nothing fancy going on. Literally just adding a get player controller, cast it, and save it as a variable is enough to entirely destroy my project, if it weren’t for source control. The ability to reference my player controller in this blueprint is 100% critical to my game, and I can’t rebuild the blueprint and remake everything as it’s literally my actor that that controls all VR interaction.
please help
Edit: here’s the error log http://freetexthost.com/l5lzizzlhx
Edit: So I’m able to prevent the editor from crashing at startup by setting a new map that doesn’t have any references to the player controller.
Creating ANY reference to my player controller - that’s new (I have old ones…) will instantly crash the editor, after restarting, if you drag an object that has a reference to the PC into the world
I tried duplicating and making a new PC. Same issue with that.
So my project is basically over. Because I can’t reference my player controller at all. Please help