Hello, Im new in this blueprint thing, and Im having some bad time searching how to resolve this.
What I want to get is a falling sound, everytime the player is falling hard a wind-like sound will play (Like if you were falling from the sky) I already did a Blueprint to play different sounds, if the player landed soft (short fall) it will play ‘X’ sound, if it was a medium fall then it will play 'Y 'sound, and if it was a very high fall then it will play ‘Z’ sound, but I can´t add a sound while falling and I don’t know how.
My idea is to track the Z velocity, and when it reaches a value of -3500 then the sound will play. I’ve used a lot of events, If I use ‘Walking Off ledges’ event, it will play the sound immediatly after falling, it doesn’t matter if the fall is 1ft and I don’t want that. I’ve tried a lot of things and here is the current blueprint. Yeah if somehow you laugh by what Im doing, I will agree. I know how to use C++, but learning the framework of UE4 is hard to me.