Adding a Curve to a Blueprint Structure = Crashtacular

Adding a float curve (reference) to a struct in the editor results in a 100% reproducible crash.

And a few tears from me each time.

crash dump

Hi Mittense,

I attempted to reproduce this but I couldn’t get a crash to occur. Here is what I did:

Created a new Struct blueprint > Added a CurveFloat Reference as a variable > Then saved the bp. I also attempted to use this struct in an actor class bp.

Are you doing anything different?

I think the issue that I was running into is that the blueprint had some corruption somewhere and, for whatever reason, the curve variable I was trying was just what happened to trigger a crash.

(I was having a lot of crashes in blueprints using child actors).

From the sound of this, once you replaced the corrupted blueprint it’s working correctly now. Is that right?

Yup yup! All seems to be fine now.