Adding a breakpoint in blueprint sometimes doesn't work/do anything

I haven’t yet managed to reproduce this consistently but has happened quite a few times now, namely:

  1. open any blueprint
  2. attempt to place a breakpoint (F9) anywhere
  3. nothing happens.

No break gets set and right-clicking no longer has the option to set/clear/disable breaks.

No matter what i do, close/reopen the blueprint it no longer allows breakpoints.
Note: this happens even with PIE not running. The only solution is to close the engine completely and open it up again. Has anyone else experienced this?

EDIT: rephrased for clarity.

Sometimes this happes when the “debug object” in the popup menu at the top is set to a particular object instance, and the actual object instance running the code is another.

I find that adding a “print string” node will always tell me whether I’m running the particular code or not, at least.

I’m not talking about having the wrong instance of an actor selected and not seeing logic being executed, i’m talking about the PHYSICAL button not working (F9) to mark a node with a breakpoint. It’s like the editor forgets that nodes can have breakpoints, the option goes missing entirely until i restart the editor.

I think OP was referring to adding a break point in a blueprint before running the game in PIE. In any case this happened to me also.
I also find that using print string to debug is a highly inefficient practice and we should have at least a stable debugging framework by now but what can you do…

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Gotcha – haven’t had that happen to me. Sounds annoying!