"AddConvexElemsToRigidActor: ConvexElem is missing ConvexMesh" meaning?

As the title states, I’m wondering what this warning message means.
When I load my level my output log gets flooded with this message, and I can’t find anywhere on google any explanation for this message.

If anybody knows why this warning occurs I would appreciate it.


Sorry i can’t answer your question excactly, but i managed to get rid of it by removing the static mesh from the scene and adding it again. If you look at the logmessage it will tell you which static mesh it is having issues with. Hope it will help.

In my case it does not mention any static mesh name:


I have the same issue as well

If anyone still getting this problem; my solution is;

My Physical assets’s collisions primitive meshes were made from all multiconvex objects. When I changed them to box or sphere again, the problem has gone.

Go to your physics assets, on the left hand side there is skeleton tree window, choose everything with ctrl+a on that menu, then select re-generate all bodies on the right hand side menu below, in the tools. Be sure primitive type is box, capsule or sphere.