AddControllerYawInput without using PlayerController

Hey, I have a character which the player can not control it at the start of the game. On the begining of the game the player controls the camera.
Therefore on the begin:
AutoPossessPlayer = EAutoReceiveInput::Player0;
Camera controller = PlayerController

AutoPossessPlayer = EAutoReceiveInput:: Disable;
Character controller = AiController

When the player takes control on the character he can rotate the character with the mouse (Like every third person game).
To move the character I use AddControllerYawInput which did not work, So I have read about the function over here: APawn::AddControllerYawInput | Unreal Engine Documentation and it seems to be that this funtion works only when the character controller is PlayerController.
I have tried to change the character controller to PlayerController and the rotation works, But when I am trying to change the controller when the player takes control over the character it does not work.
I have inferred that actor can not change its controller in the middle of the game.

How can I solve this? How can I use AddControllerYawInput?

I think that someone else is going to come along eventually and need an answer to this question because its through Druid Mechanics Udemy class. He jumps around a bunch on the EnhancedInput section and its confusing.

For me, I was able to match everything that was done in the videos EXCEPT on BP_Bird in the Class Defaults, there is a Pawn section. This is not to be confused with the Camera section. This is a category of Pawn. In that there are 3 check boxes. “Use Controller Rotation Pitch” “Use Controller Rotation Yaw” and “Use Controller Rotation Roll.” These were unchecked and at no point did I see him address this. When I checked each of these, it worked.