The Unreal Engine currently assigns the left hand role to the controller that was started first, meaning many people will have to swap controllers when starting an Unreal Engine game. Here’s how to reproduce the problem:
Steps to reproduce
Start SteamVR, but keep both controllers off.
Create a very simple VR sample that has a Pyramid assigned to the Left hand and a Sphere to the Right hand.
Start the VR preview, put on the headset and grab the controllers.
Turn on the controller in your Right hand first, then turn on the Left hand controller.
What is observed
When the Right hand controller moves, the Pyramid assigned to the Left hand moves.
What is expected
When the Right hand controller moves, the Sphere assigned to the Right hand moves.
Proposed solution
OpenVR has supported automatically detected controller roles since version 0.9.13, but so far the Unreal Engine has failed to implement supported for it when it updated to version 1.0.2. I have submitted a pull request for review here: .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/pull/2659
Just wanted to add since I was frustrated with the same issue with the hands, that you can reproduce this in the Virtual Reality blueprint project template. It uses robot hand models, so you’ll notice they’re the wrong hands if you power them on as LibreVR describes.
I was able to reproduce this on our end. I have submitted a request to the developers for further consideration. I have also provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates. Thank you for you time and information.
Hi Rudy, this is not a feature request though, this is a bug. It was fixed in 4.17 as far as I know, so I wanted to look at the issue tracker to see in which commit it was fixed.
The report that Rudy entered was indeed a feature request. It was, however, marked as a duplicate of another report which was a Github pull request being tracked in JIRA. While these are tracked as “Bugs” in JIRA, they are also not made public. Here is the pull request that was related which should include the information you’re looking for.