Add Static Mesh Component (orphaned meshs)?

The attached images show the functionality that is put into another BluePrint, which is used in the level.

I noticed when I needed to do some development on the BluePrint that generates the static meshes,



That BP_Block_Wall_Size_8 appeared to have duplicate copies of the meshes generated by BP_Rock1, this was resolved by deleting them, closing BP_Block_Wall_Size_8 and reopening it and it was finally gone, that said I don’t think they are all gone from the World Outliner as I had to delete manually the ones I saw from the level, leading me to the worry am orphaning meshes some place, and I’m I properly understanding how I’m using those nodes; [Add Static Mesh Component] & [Set Static Mesh]

What I’d like to know is;

  • Do I need to do some sort of clean up of the meshes added?
  • The World Outliner sure gets messy with all those messes created is there a way to clean that up, so that they aren’t visable in the tree?

I hope I’ve given enough details, thank for any guidance.

What, precisely, is the Make IntVector node used for in the BP? Is it what’s separating the meshes once they’re each generated, one after another?

Um I’ve noticed about myself during my few months using the engine that I tend to over complicate things, at the time I was doing that I was probably thinking this Int from the ForNext needs to be converted to a float as Relative Transformation X,Y,Z isn’t going to be to happy seeing a Int, however I ended up splitting the Pin so the vector became a single floats not a Vector (hence Make IntVector) is probably defunct and I should replace that with something better.

While I was trying to sleep and mulling it over in my head, I came up with the idea that maybe I shouldn’t be making this in the “Construction Script” but instead putting it in the “Event Script” under [Begin Play], while it being under [Begin Play] would make the Rocks generate at game time it doesn’t serve very well in the design aspect, because you’d have to run the game to see where it had placed them for some given area, so I might need to build some sort of ‘Developer’ switch to flip between the 2 modes, as I said I tend to overly complicate things when a more simpler and more elegant solution would be better.

You should look up how others have done it in the forums / AnswerHub. Or simply a post asking how to generate static meshes and it not result in extra ones getting added to the scene. So how to control or decide the number of meshes generated in a BP. I wasn’t sure if the IntVector was referring to one mesh, or to relative transformation. If it’s relative transformation, then you need to use a float or real number value, not an integer. I wasn’t criticizing or questioning based on thinking it was incorrect, but asking what was initially intended in its use.

There’s another issue with instanced static meshes, and it’s concerning the materials applied and optimization. When generating instanced static meshes, it’s producing less draw calls, I think. Whereas adding every static mesh to the scene, or duplicating them, can be or is resulting in more draw calls. I’m not sure if that’s exactly the case, but I’ve noted there’s a difference in forum posts that I’ve read. In essence, it’s best to ask a few questions in a new topic, describing how you intend to use the BP, and what you’re trying to do with generating the static meshes via blueprint.

All good I didn’t think you was criticizing, I was just being overly wordy maybe.

Thanks for the advise I’ll do some searching later.