Hi, is there any way to take a screenshot when saving the game, and use that as a save game thumbnail? Shipping build, of course. I have the saving functionality already. I just want to add a thumbnail to my saved game widgets.
Seems basic, but I haven’t found anything on it.
imho it’s not. there are a few things you’ll encounter that are tricky including performance. not many engines have the ability.
luckly ue does have a way to take a screenshot, either to disk or to memory.
i don’t remember exactly atm where are both located but check at
that’s static, the code can show you the other places.
bind to UGameViewportClient::OnScreenshotCaptured if you want the binary data.
Thanks, I was actually looking for a solution in blueprints. I was hoping not having to delve into C++.
Much appreciate it, though.
BPs are limiting,
but if you want to use that use the console command
HighResShot filename=PATH (XxY OR Multiplier) CaptureX CaptureY CaptureW CaptureH bMaskUsingCustomDepth bDumpBufferVisualizationTargets bCaptureHDR bDateTimeAsFilename
Hey AllGameSuck, there is a way to take screenshots from blueprint. Seems a bit janky but you just use the ExecuteConsoleCommand node like shown in the video here (I’ve copied the link at the correct point in the video)
Thanks guys, but as far as I know, console is not available on shipping builds.
I believe the console itself is stripped out correct, but the actual calling of console commands from a node seems it might work
A lot of things built in like changing resolution or sound are console commands or console variables at their base - and this functionality is available inside of shipping builds.
At the end of the day it all comes back to code being there or not - I can’t at the moment, but could be worth doing an empty project with a little bit of UI to test if the screenshot command works from a node. Empty project so that it packages faster of course
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