Add ram in fortnite/epic game launcher

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have installed the Epic Game Launcher and Fortnite. I want to add more ram to the game. I searched in the settings of Fortnite and the launcher but i can’t find it? Can u help me find it?

Kind Regards,

You can’t add RAM to a game.

ram is hardware. its not something that you add to a game. if you install more ram into your computer the game will automatically use it as long as its installed correctly, recognized by the system, and doesnt exceed the limit imposed by your operating system.

You can dedicate ram to a game but i dont know about fortnite ive been trying to figure it out myself but cant.,

ive never seen an option to dedicate ram to anything in any program. if you want more ram available to a game then close processes you dont need. the less things open the less the system has to keep in memory so the more available memory.

You can dedicate RAM to Minecraft. I’m not sure why I see so many comments saying they’ve never done this before. Allocating more RAM to Minecraft allows it to run smoother, you can even do it inside the Minecraft launcher. I’m not sure if it’s possible with Fortnite, but like I said, you can do this with Minecraft.

Besides the point that RAM is hardware, or that it may be possible to dedicate RAM in certain game’s, this website is…

This website is intended for UE4 developers to get technical assistance with game development, please direct all Fortnite issues/questions to one of the following.

If you are experiencing issues with Fortnite such as crashes or account issues please visit [Fortnite Help][1]. There you will find various troubleshooting articles that will help you fix your issue. If you are still unable to resolve your issue please use the [Contact Us][2] form to get in touch with the Epic support staff who can assist you further. Be sure to include as much information as you can regarding your issue so support staff can get you back up and running as quickly as possible.

For any general questions, help with Fortnite gameplay, or discussions related to the game, please visit the [Fortnite Forums][3].

Thank you

I’m sorry, but you are quite inexperienced then. I don’t know how I stumbled upon this post (I guess since I am a UE4 dev) but this is EXTREMELY wrong. Though I don’t know how to do it to Fortnite (nor do I really care), what I can say is that programs like Photoshop and Illustrator even have this option… So I don’t know what you mean when you’ve never seen it.

I actually have quite a bit of experience. I dont personally use photoshop so that may have a option to reserve memory but that is by no means a common option. Its also something thats not needed as any program can use all available system memory at any time. Thinking on it now i may have come accross a aimilar option in a few programs meant for art creation but the option was just there to prevent crashing and lag due to storage in virtual memory. The point still stands though if you dont have enough available memory close uneeded processes and or buy more capacity. Work within the limits of your system and have as little running in the background as you can and hings will be fine

Ram is hardware yes, but a processor is only allowed to use a specific amount depending on the OS and Motherboard installed. Ram cannot be ADDED to a game, but, the Virtual RAM memory (VRAM) can be portioned to a specific program. a game does not automatically use all of the available VRAM, if it did, the computers processor would be burned out almost immediately, Ram is a memory unit, installed to a OEM board, the amount of memory used by the OEM board and Processor is usually only the amount required by the specific system. It’s the same thing with a game, it will only use the amount required, however, you can raise or lower the amount it uses, you can also “dedicate” more than one core (otherwise known by nonintel users, as a “thread” because Intel calls the grouping of 2 threads, a “single physical core” where as other processing companies call a single thread, a single physical core.) to a specific process, usually there is a option for this in the launcher of games (MultiCore Rendering, processor unit amount, ETC) this can also be achieved through console commands. It is incorrect to say you can’t “dedicate” ram to a game, you can infact dedicate VRAM memory to a game, the ram in of itself however, is a hardware chip, installed in a, you guessed it, OEM board. So the statement “you can’t ‘add RAM’ to a game” is both correct and false, because RAM is two things, VRAM, and physical RAM.

Ram is hardware yes, but a processor is only allowed to use a specific amount depending on the OS and Motherboard installed. Ram cannot be ADDED to a game, but, the Virtual RAM memory (VRAM) can be portioned to a specific program. a game does not automatically use all of the available VRAM, if it did, the computers processor would be burned out almost immediately, Ram is a memory unit, installed to a OEM board, the amount of memory used by the OEM board and Processor is usually only the amount required by the specific system. It’s the same thing with a game, it will only use the amount required, however, you can raise or lower the amount it uses, you can also “dedicate” more than one core (otherwise known by nonintel users, as a “thread” because Intel calls the grouping of 2 threads, a “single physical core” where as other processing companies call a single thread, a single physical core.) to a specific process, usually there is a option for this in the launcher of games (MultiCore Rendering, processor unit amount, ETC) this can also be achieved through console commands. It is incorrect to say you can’t “dedicate” ram to a game, you can infact dedicate VRAM memory to a game, the ram in of itself however, is a hardware chip, installed in a, you guessed it, OEM board. So the statement “you can’t ‘add RAM’ to a game” is both correct and false, because RAM aid two things, VRAM, and physical RAM.