We could subscribe to the “OnConditionalCheck” event, which would be sort of a middle ground between OnActivated and OnNotEnoughItems. The use case is if you wanted to implement your own conditional logic alongside the key items. This would expand the usefulness of the conditional button
For example: using the conditional button as a store, the player is required to have X gold. But what if we also wanted to do a check to see if the player is the correct rank to purchase the item? Currently you can implement your own logic with barriers and the ignore list, but the conditional button still lights up “green” as if, yes, you can buy this. With an additional logic check you could alter the requirements beyond just key items.
The desired suggested logic flow is:
1.) Condtional-> checks if player has enough key items
2.) Conditional-> fires the “OnConditionalCheck” which would require a logic true/false return value
3.) if the OnConditionalCheck returns true (which it would by default if nothing is subscribed), the device will appear as if the player has the required key item.
The OnConditionalCheck would only fire after the current key item conditions are satisfied.