Add new joined players to the ongoing elimination game

Hi guys, I’m using the following code for the simple elimination game (gun game).

elimination_game_device := class(creative_device):
    # Logger for the elimination experience channel.
    Logger:log = log{Channel := log_elimination}

    # End Game Device for managing end game behavior.
    EndGameDevice:end_game_device = end_game_device{}

    # Array of item granters used to grant the weapons.
    var WeaponItemGranters:[]item_granter_device = array{}
    # This is set later, and will be equal to the the number of weapon item_granters in the island.
    var NumberOfEliminationsToWin:int = 0

    # Map container to track player's progress. This is used to determine which weapon to award to the player.
    var AgentMap:[agent]int = map{}

        # Use this variable to scale the number of eliminations needed based on how many item granters there are in the experience.
        set NumberOfEliminationsToWin = WeaponItemGranters.Length+1
        Logger.Print("Number of Weapon Item Granters: {WeaponItemGranters.Length}")
        # Randomize the order in which the weapons are granted.
        # set WeaponItemGranters = Shuffle(WeaponItemGranters)

        # Get all the players in the experience.
        AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
        for (EliminationGamePlayer : AllPlayers):
            if (FortCharacter := EliminationGamePlayer.GetFortCharacter[]):
                # Subscribe to character eliminated event.
            # Add Players to a Map to track progress.
            if (set AgentMap[EliminationGamePlayer] = 1) {} 
            # Grant the first weapon to each player.
            if (FirstItemGranter:item_granter_device = WeaponItemGranters[0]):

    # Event that handles when a player is eliminated.
        Logger.Print("Player Eliminated")

        # Look up the eliminating character. Since this is an optional value, this will return an option(agent).
        EliminatingCharacter := Result.EliminatingCharacter

        # Get the agent from the eliminating character option(agent). If the eliminating character is not valid, this will return false.
            FortCharacter := EliminatingCharacter?
            EliminatingAgent := FortCharacter.GetAgent[]
            # If the eliminating agent is valid, grant them the next weapon.

    # Check if there is a winner for the game, if not then grant the next weapon.
        # Get the current level for the agent.
        if (var CurrentItemNumber:int = AgentMap[Agent]):
            # If the agent has met the victory conditions, end the game.
            if (IsVictoryConditionMet[CurrentItemNumber]):
                # Game has been won by Agent.
                # Game is not over yet.
                if (ItemGranter := WeaponItemGranters[CurrentItemNumber]):

                set CurrentItemNumber = CurrentItemNumber + 1
                # Update Agent's current level.
                if (set AgentMap[Agent] = CurrentItemNumber) {}

    # Check if the victory condition has been met and return a logic result.
        EliminationNumber = NumberOfEliminationsToWin
    # Runs when this device script is stopped or the game ends.

The problem is when new player joins the ongoing game, they spawn, but they don’t get an initial weapon and are not being counted as participants of the game.

Are there ways to fix it? Thank you