I’m trying to implement a roll/dodge ability like in metal gear solid 5 where the player quickly jumps to the side. To do this ive been using add movement input but it doesnt change anything. The input is always the same walk movement speed(disregarding the animation).
Instead i am now using the set actor location which teleports the location 100 units to a direction.
my question is should i be using set actor location instead of add movement input? is there a recommended way to implement such types of movement?
is there any other way that would be better? more advanced?
The main difference between Set Actor Location and Add Movement Input, is really notorious in physics, Add Movement Input Takes in consideration delta, (distance between prev and next point) this allow you better control over collisions, in change if you use Set Actor Location pretty sure you will have problems with your collision.
Try to multiply your movement speed by some factor when you press your button, I really think you need stick to Add Movement in your Character Pawn.
Hope that helps
thanks for the information. so far actor location is the only thing thats gotten close to allowing me to roll but i cant figure out a way to include the direction of the player. so ive tried add movement input again which is easier to do in add movement input. only problem now is the change in location isnt fast enough i.e. i have to leave the hold the button before the movement is applied. just had a thought maybe i should use timers to apply the movement. anybody have any ideas.
You can try to add impulse to mesh
i was thinking of trying that, but the add movement input combined with the timer works great.