This should work as is under normal circumstances. Perhaps you override player position after the Tick we see here. Or the walk speed of the Character Movement component is set to 0. I can think of a number of ways to make those two nodes not work.
I’m making a game where the player can go back in time and interact with his previous self. I’m doing this by saving the control inputs to an array and then playing them back on a spawned child of the side scroller player class. For some reason the character isn’t moving.
To make it even simpler I disconnected the movement array and put a constant value of 1.0 in the Scale Value and the actor still doesn’t move. Can anyone tell me what I may be missing?
At the very least I would expect the actor to move if it is being updated on the Event Tick and has a constant value of 1.0
Any help would be appreciated.
Does your PastSelfChild class derive from Character or DefaultPawn, as I assume your player character class does? It matters what it derives from, because Add Movement Input doesn’t work for other subclasses of Pawn. Quoting the Unreal documentation:
“Base Pawn classes won’t automatically apply movement, it’s up to the user to do so in a Tick event. Subclasses such as Character and DefaultPawn automatically handle this input and move.”
This probably isn’t your problem, but I thought it was worth making sure.
It derives from Side Scroller Character, which derives from Character. I know about the quote to which you refer but I don’t understand what it means. Could you enlighten me?
Turns out this has to do with collision. The actor was not colliding with the ground beneath it but rather floating right above the ground without gravity. When I turned on collision it worked.