Add movement input for AI too slow

Currently working on AI, and have encountered a problem with how it receives input.
I want the AI to check its distance to the player, and move towards it if the distance is a certain length. If the AI is close enough, the AI will start circulating the player while facing them.

The logic works, no problem there at all. The only problem is that I can’t use Move To, as that would make the movement look clunky, and was much harder to work with. I settled with Add Movement Input, with the target as the controlled pawn. It works, but the movement is very slow. Nothing changes even by setting the scale value to 1000. I read somewhere that people have encountered the same problem, but connecting it to tick fixed the problem. I already have it connected to tick.

This is how it looks like:

Am I missing something here?
Is the tick for AI just slower than every other tick? Maybe there’s something with how the task is fired? I don’t know.


This is how it looks when I play the game. It should be constant, but looks like its flickering for some reason.

Here’s the behaviour tree.
Do you see anything that would limit the update frequency?

because it works off Tick… which is a constant signal… your triggering event might just be a one-off signal… so you are just using AddMovement one time…