Add local offset smoothly

So i’m trying to set a local offset to my thirdpersoncamera so the crosshair won’t be hidden by my character and it will be easier to select an object.

It does what i want, but i tried multiple ways to make the camera go smoothly and none of them worked.

Does it just not work wit add local offset or am i missing something?

Try plugging delta time in :wink:


For interpolation to work, it needs to be updated often, usually every frame if you want to see an update every frame.

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Already tried using delta seconds.

All it does is move it minimally and then stop, even if i keep the button pressed. It still seems to only do one interation of the whole interpolation and then it just stops.

But atleast this is a cleaner way to get delta seconds… before i was saving it in a seperate variable.

Vinterp is designed to be on tick, so it’s not really compatible with 'add… ’ nodes.

More like ‘set…’

Ok this was a quick test setup to see, the tick is going into the branch.

But neither Set nor Add do anything set up like this. And Set on my old setup gives me the same results.

Playing with the interp speed doesnt help either, just makes it jump further, anything but smooth.

Again, it’s not set up correctly at all. For interpolation to work, you need a previous sample. Are you sure you do not need a timeline instead?

In your case, it would be closer to:

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Nevermind. My tick setup was ■■■■ and there was a branch catching it.

Made it a sequence and now it does something… still just jumping around.

Yea, sorry just realised i needed to update the camera position. Feeding that in made it work.

And this is a much cleaner way to reset the camera than with a bool.

Thx, appreciate it!

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