Add Item To Existing Resource

Hello! Totally new to the Ark modding scene and I’m trying SUPER hard to learn all the goodies that I need to know. Thanks to the Google, I’ve learned how to create new items and new resources, but I want to add items to existing resources! Could someone explain or perhaps link me in the right direction? My Googling fingers are super tired and I’m hoping you kind souls would be good enough to lend a hand. :slight_smile:

For example, if I want to get stone, flint, metal and berries when mining a rock, is it possible to just edit the existing resource?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, it’s possible, there are mods that add seeds to plants. how? I don’t know :frowning:

I figured it out, finally. Haha. I pieced together what I’ve learned from different videos and tutorials to get it going. What I did, was copy the Rock Harvest Component to my mod folder, add another resource item (in this case, element) and changed the Primal Game Data to remap the rock resource to my edited Rock Harvest Component.

While I’m not sure if this is the most efficient method of editing resources, I know it works!

It’s my very first mod and I’m pretty tickled about it. The Dev Kit is a pretty nice piece of software and opens up a lot of possibilities.

If you wanted to see it, I’ve added the workshop link.