Add Input on Tick not working, why?

When I’m Adding Input - for example Add Pitch Input in Tick it isn’t adding anything into the input, anyone know why?

When I do the same using event - for example “F” pressed the same thing is working.

Hey intoxicat3,

Can you provide a screenshot of your blueprint setup?


Hi Steve, I’m away from editor but setup is really simple. In your PlayerController create a Tick and Add Pitch Input with some constant. It won’t change pitch. (it should rotate all the time)

Add “F” input and plug in into the same Add Pitch Input - when you press F it the Add Pitch will work, and you will rotate with this constant.

Everything is in PlayerController. Doing this in Shooter Example BP clear project.

Do this in PlayerController and open in Mobile Preview - you will see Print but without any look right/left input.

When you replace tick for “Mouse X” input for example it will work.

I’m dealing with this same problem right now.

I’m also having this issue. Can anyone shed some light on this? See attached image for a simple case in which Tick doesn’t rotate the player, but an input event does.

I’m also getting this issue in C++. It’s very strange.

Just spent another evening banging my head against this.

Epic, if it’s still an issue, please say and save anyone else doing the same.


Still happening on 4.11 - Took a while to see that others were having this issue also.

yeah, 4.11 still the same issue in c++ in actor used same tickgroup as character

We need a fix, too. bump

it is look like if you are trying to access input from other class in tick where no input component - then input is already processed and zeroed

also this forum thread is about same issue:

i solved my issue with adding AddTickPrerequisiteActor, so my actor is ticking when input is pending and before all input processed and flushed

4.12 have this bug, please registre the issue.

Has anyone solved this issue? I am also unable to add input to a character on tick. It doesn’t respond to it.

Has anyone solved this issue? I am also unable to add input to a character on tick. It doesn’t respond to it.

What actor did you set as the prerequisite?

Has anyone solved this issue? I am also unable to add input to a character on tick. It doesn’t respond to it.

This doesn’t seem possible via the Tick at this time. If you need to do rotation via the Tick instead of via input events, use SetActorRotation (or SetControlRotation on the Controller) with an FRotator.

I’m not sure why UE4 Staff haven’t given a specific answer as to why it doesn’t work on the Tick after years of people complaining about the issue but I think it could possibly be that input data is being cleaned up at the beginning of each frame (before the tick) and then populated (as the input process happens before any game logic as you can see from the image below).

This is the input process from the Input docs: -