Add Input Movement's Scale not working

I started a brand new project and created a character. I added “Add Input Movement” nodes an made them work nicely.
The more i was pressing the joystick the faster i was walking.
But for some reason, the editor crashed, and since i reopened the project, the scale of the node is not working anymore.
I tried to use the joystick of my xBox controller instead of the Hydra, same result.
I checked that the joystick value was well receive by adding a print string node, and it was ok, but still no change inputwise.
Also, axis are working on “Add Controller (pitch yaw roll) input”.
I really dont get it…

Hi ,

Can you post the crash logs? You can find these at \Unreal Projects\PROJECT NAME\saved\logs. Does thi sonly occurin in one project or does this error occur across multiple projects?

Hi ,
I doubt i still have the crash log. It doesnt seem to happen in new projects.

What i tried:

  • I tried to recreate the character BP
    and it still occurs.
  • I checked again and again the
    collisions but nothing.
  • I also tried to remove the character
    mesh just by curiosity.
  • I compared character movement
    component from FPS template, and they
    are the same (except the max walk
    speed and crouched max walk speed,
    that i also tried to reset to check
    if that was that).
  • I also tried with the hydra plugin in
    the FPS template and it’s working
  • I was then guessing it was coming
    from playercontroller, so i switched
    back to the base one, still getting
    the issue.

I think 4.6 hates me ^^

Try re-creating the input nodes and see if simply replacing them fixes the error. Additionally, keep in mind there is a deadzone initially of .25 on gamepad controllers, this can be altered in the Project Settings>Input>Bindings submenu.

I also checked both the things you suggested and it has not effect. The only way I have to simulate this, is to set the alpha to 1 and multiply direction vector by movement speed by axis value.
That, and the non-mesh components (shapes, billboard, scenes etc) not inheriting from actor transform are the weirdest bug I’very been unable to resolve by myself. I really have no clue what’s going on

Hi ,

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce this on my end. Do you have a project this is occurring in I can take a look at? I’d be happy to dig in and see what might be occurring.

Of course! If you can’t point me a way to remove all unecessary stuff from the project. The stand alone is 250Mo without the debug file, whereas the project is 7.5Go. A bit to heavy to me. I guess there are some files that can be removed like compiled shaders and light. I can you the standalone but it won’t be of a big help unless watching at the bug (input movement and capsule not inheriting from parent’s transform)

The weird thing is also that after that crash that spawned that bug, i wasn’t able to throw my gun the normal way, it was just falling to the ground and wasn’t inheriting from velocity)

Any content from your contents folder can be removed via the filepath \Unreal Projects\PROJECTNAME\contents. If it isn’t used in the game it can probably be pulled from the project. Additionally, only one map needs to be present for me to have a look. Maps can also be pulled from the same area. Removing this content should help significantly reduce the filesize.

I finally got he project uploaded to my drive after a lot of hours.
I looked at the biggest folders, and that was Intermediate (5.5Go) and Saved (1.5Go). So i didn’t include them into the upload. The content folder was less than 100Mo.
I send the link to you via PM on the forum.
By the way, you may get a “Get Player Controller” related error. I had no time to take a look at it today sorry.

Hi ,

I downloaded the project and cannot see a difference in the movement. What specifically are you seeing when you experience this bug?

You mean you have progressive speed with joystick ?
For me, playing with joytsicks is simply like keyboard, it’s 0 or 1.
However it works with controller’s pitch/Yaw/Roll. So it’s really movement specific.
Also, if you do have it, can you, by the way, check if the capsules on the guns’ handles are inheriting from transform ? I made a physics handler so you can check it without hydra. Aim at the gun an press E.

So if you are not experiencing any of these bugs, maybe it’s “contained” in the folders i didnt include on my drive.
And by the way i also tried to reinstall 4.6, but no success.

I think the best way would be to restart the project, but i’m quite ennoyed honestly…

before you do that, try setting the move speed increase to a ridiculous value to see if it makes a difference, if so, it may just be set too low to be noticeable. I will keep playing with it on my end to see if I can reproduce the error.

Ok, i just tried and set the max walk speed to 6000. No change, i can’t get axis based speed. I’ll clone the project and delete the said folder to see if it resolves it.

EDIT: I just gave this a try and it had no effect. So i guess it’s something to do with the engine itself, but if that is, why is the issue not occuring on other projects…

Hi ,

I played a bit more with the settings of your project and I believe I found a potential reason for what is happening. In your axis config, try playing with the settings to see if the sensitivity, dead zone, and exponent might be causing the speed up. To test this, what I did was attach a “get analog input modifier” to a print string on your tick function. This will show you what numbers are being used when you add movement input. At the settings you are using now it typically immediately jumps to 1.0 in any direction, but there are slight variations at very specific angles on the joystick where you see smaller float values. At these points I was seeing some variation in the movement. If you play with the sensitivity, dead zone, and exponent you should be able to find the values that fit the feel you are looking for. These can be found in Project Settings>Input>Axis Config.

I just tried and it had unfortunatly no success. Even when puting ridiculous values. At whatever angle i always get 1. However if i set a print directly after the AxisEvent to print the axis value i get correct numbers, but movement is not okay :-/

I have a good news concerning the inheritance issue. It seems like components won’t inherit from a skeletal mesh transform if their are not parented to a socket or bone. I don’t remember having this issue before though.
At least one problem resolved.

Ok, i tried to create a new project again, and the issue occured once again. It only happens on Character class, and i also noticed that sometimes, the yaw is extra sensitive, then if i stop and replay again, yaw is normal, but movement is still not.
I packaged the project to see if it was coming from the editor, but it happens also here.
I also noticed that it happens when i start a project from blank.
It works fine with the FPS template however. So i took a look and found that i mislinked my nodes -.-
It was multiplying the wrong value and so, the speed was getting high really quick.
I wonder how i could have missed that, as i see the BP for hours. So i’m really sorry for having a bugged brain, engine wasn’t guilty. Sorry for spending your time …

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