Add impulse to the direction my character is facing?

I have my camera always facing a ball inside my character blueprint, and I want to give it a forward/upward impulse, in the direction my camera if facing, but I don’t know how to make the facing camera direction the forward vector.

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Similar to this:

Use camera and impulse instead, ignoring Z (most likely) - hard to tell how you set it up without details:


and I want to give it a forward/upward
impulse, in the direction my camera if

You probably do not want to do that (unless you do, of course), hence me suggesting ignoring Z. I’m imagining this with the camera attached to the ball and overlooking the playing area - this usually means the camera looking downwards, towards the floor. You probably do not want to push the ball into the floor but at least treat the floor as a normal.


dont know why this worked but thanks