In the project we have a weapon throw system where we add impulse to the weapon from the hand to throw it. It works without problems through the whole game.
The problem is that when the player is INSIDE a Trigger Volume (for example to detect if the player is inside an area so an elevator moves) when the player throws the weapon, it doesn’t get the impulse and it just falls flat without any force.
When you stop the game, a warning occurs that says that Simulate Physics must be enabled in the object. The weapon HAS the Simulate Physics enabled, so I tried to enable them on the trigger just to test it. Now it throws the weapon perfectly inside the Trigger Volume, while if the trigger has Simulate Physics disabled it doesn’t work.
I think it is a bug because it is not a collision problem, it isn’t colliding with the trigger, is just not allowing to add an impulse to the object. It makes no sense that the physic properties of the trigger affects the item to throw.