Hi, there:
I want to add grpc and protobuf to my ue4 project. I have success add them on my mac by add include file and libs. but when I try on linux (ubuntu 16.04, build ue4 16.3 release version from source code). Something is Wrong:
Firstly, when I run the project, it said ‘undefined symbol _ZNK6google8protobuf7Message11GetTypeNameEv’ because of protobuf head file compiled by ue4 build tool , but I have ‘_ZNK6google8protobuf7Message11GetTypeNameB5cxx11Ev’ in binary file , witch build with local c++ libs.
Secondly, I use the ‘UE4_LINUX_USE_LIBCXX=0’ and try to build ue4 with local c++libs, but I found that, many third party libs only have head files and *.a lib witch has been build with LibCxx(I think). Maybe I shoud not use ‘UE4_LINUX_USE_LIBCXX=0’.
So , what shoud I do, try to build protobuf and grpc use clang and Libcxx? It looks still many problems about it.