The add force node doesn’t seem to work on the default side scroller character. I have tried with with “simulate physics” turned on and off to no avail. Setting a high value like 200 000 doesn’t help.
I am trying to make a character fly and from what I understand “add force” is the way to go.
I looked at the donut hovering tutorial and it uses the same node so I dont know why this doesn’t work.
I’ve used that before but it doesnt really do what I want. It produces an instant velocity (a jump) whereas I need a constant force (that I can control) to simulate lift.
I guess it might be possible to call Launch on every tick but that seems like a hack.
If your character is on the grond it might be the friction of the ground and the actor.
To fix that you have to make an physical material and applie it to the actor.
Hey. Try to reduce mass of an object(kg) if you physics is enabled. Cause F = m*a. When i finds out about it, it became so obvious for me, than i felt a bit stupid.