Add Force not Accurate

When using the Add Force node on an actor, and plugging in another actors location into the vector after multiplying it with a float value for speed, the actor doesnt seem to be accurately pushed to the desired location; being off by 320-340 in either the X or Y plane.
As in, if i were to add a Vector+Vector node add put in X:320 and plugged in the output the add force would work the desired way.
I was open to using Add Impulse, but it seems to propel the actor slightly upwards as well and I would like the movement restricted to the ground. Thanks in advance!

A Location of Something is not a Direction. You do something fundamataly wrong. Like you have it now it will always go in the same Direct no matter where you put your Actor that gets the Force applied.

If you want to get a Direction from A to B you do this:
Vector distanceAtoB = BLocationVector - ALocationVector (B-A not the other way around! important!
So now you have a Distance and to get a Unit Direction (basicly Force Strength of 1) you have to normalize the Vector. After that you Multiply it by a float that is how Strong the Force will Push. Here a Picture replace A and B with your Actor Locations.