I have tried all variations of add force/impulse/ radial force/ radial impulse. Nothing seems to affect my mesh. Mesh is movable, physics enabled. I also tried to use the add offset node, which does not work with the sweep feature enabled so I cant get it to do what I want. I just simply want to push a box in a direction.
Mesh needs to have collision for physics to work. Troubleshooting for physics:
First enable gravity for that mesh, it should fall, if its not falling it has no physics.
When you confirm that mesh is actually physics enabled, turn of gravity, look at it mass and override it to something small like 10kg
Add thruster, enable it and set force to something like 10k for 10kg mass, see if it spins or moves. If it does remove or turn off thruster.
Then add force to mesh, do it on event tick for few seconds.